There are underwater museums all over the world, some of which were built intentionally, while others were landmarks that sunk and have been turned into attractions.
Underwater sculptures in Molinere Bay
The Grenada Underwater Sculpture Park in Molinere Bay, Grenada, and the Museo Subacuático de Arte (MUSA), located off the coast of Isla Mujeres in Mexico's Riviera Maya, were created by artists to promote the continued growth of coral and underwater life by using marine-grade cement. MUSA is home to as many as 500 submerged whimsical sculptures.
Herod’s Harbor underwater museum
Herod’s Harbor underwater museum is an 18,580-square-foot archaeological park located in Caesarea, Israel, that dates back to 10 BC and includes historical remnants from the Roman Empire like sunken ships, anchors, harbor foundations, and columns. Today, the park has trails marked by underwater sign-posts and water-proof maps to allow you to explore the sunken sites.
View of Baiheliang Underwater Museum building
The Underwater view at the museum
The Baiheliang Underwater Museum in Chongqing, China, houses the Baiheliang stone tablet, an ancient water calculation structure that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The tablet was submerged during the Three Gorges Dam Project but you can walk along closed corridors of the museum and view its inscriptions through portholes 122 feet below the Yangtze River.
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